Corporate Blog

  • A Brief History of Malware

    From Pakistani Brain to Windigo, Malware has been around longer than the Internet itself. Malware is, and always has been, a rapidly evolving medium: from the simple to the downright devious, Malware…

  • Our Unhealthy Relationship with Online Services

    With the increasing number of leaks and misuses of personal data in the news, shouldn’t we be seeing more public pushback? Services being boycotted? Or services being outright taken down?

  • Kmart Breach, Free Credit Monitoring

    In an October 10th statement Kmart admitted to be working with a security firm to access a recent breach that happened in early September. Kmart responds with free credit monitoring for effected…

  • Google and the “Right to be Forgotten”

    Google received 18,304 requests from the UK to remove links under European “right to be forgotten” laws. Mark James, ESET security specialist, helps us navigate the “murky depths” of the Internet.

  • Naughty Snapchat Pictures Leaked

    Hackers have released a series of images sent via the messaging service Snapchat and they have threatened to release more. Snapchat blame the use of 3rd party apps for the leak.

  • Only “around 100” Cybercriminal Kingpins Worldwide

    Troels Oerting, head of Europol’s Cybercrime Centre, claims that there are only a handful of cybercrime-lords producing “malware at a speed that we have difficulties catching up with”.