Corporate Blog

  • A Life Sentence for Cybercrime?

    Further to the Q&A with Mark James, ESET security specialist, I decided to have a look at a bit of public response and hold an open discussion with my colleagues on the subject of cybercrime and…

  • Possible Life Sentence for Cyber Criminals

    British law makers are considering moving the upper limit for serious hacking offences to “14 years and life imprisonment”. Can the law ever appropriately combat the ever evolving field of cybercrime?

  • Phones held for Ransom by Koler Worm

    A new variant of the Android based malware Koler can be spread via text messages. Koler is a piece of Ransomware that holds your phone hostage until the author is paid. With comments and advice from…

  • Apps vs. Privacy: To Install or not to Install?

    You’ve just installed the latest social media app and it’s asking for various permissions. Do you accept? Do you read the T&C’s? Or do you just us the app and forget you ever saw them?

  • ESET Version 8 has launched!

    Version 8 of ESET’s award winning NOD32 and Smart Security launched yesterday. Here is a quick rundown of what’s new. With pictures!

  • Mac Malware Myths

    It’s a common misconception that Mac’s don’t get viruses. Further to’s article on Mac Malware, I discuss the issue with Mark James, ESET UK’s resident security specialist.