ESET Threat Report T2 2021

See the latest threat statistics and trends in this exclusive report based on global telemetry data from ESET researchers.

Expert insights designed to help you protect your data, organization and customers.

What you'll learn:

Internet Information Services (IIS) updates

Newly discovered threats operate by eavesdropping on, and tampering with, IIS server communications while evading detection.

Black Hat USA & RSA Conference

See summaries and access links to ESET researchers’ presentations on IIS malware and stalkerware from these events and others.

Ransomware attacks intensify

Increasingly aggressive tactics include more brute force attacks and deceptive phishing campaigns targeting people working from home.

A worrisome trend for consumers

Android banking malware, which rose by an incredible 158.7% in T1, saw a continued increase of 49% during the latest reporting period.

Microsoft IIS Threats
Brute-force attacks against public-facing RDP services
T2 Threat Report Highlights