Employees and
the knowledge gap
The root cause of 28%
of all security breaches
is human error.
Learn more
1 in 3
do not receive any form
of cybersecurity training
at their organization.
Where do people think their own cyber knowledge gaps are?
30% Emails threats (e.g. phishing)
29% Ransomware
29% Smart or connected devices (IoT)
16% Creating strong passwords
49% say
they would take an optional
cybersecurity training course at their
workplace if it was offered.
The smaller the company, the more likely they do not receive any cybersecurity training:
1 – 25 employees : 55%
do not receive any training.
1001+ employees : 17%
do not receive any training.
1 in 5
respondents said they are “not at all” aware of cybersecurity best practices. (Followed by 28% “very aware” and 52% “somewhat aware”)