How we protect our planet

Sustainable facilities

Where we work is important. We focus on increasing the share of renewable sources used in our offices, and implement a smart use of our resources.

  • 100% of our offices separate waste and recycle
  • 90% of our offices use automation to cool and heat buildings with timers and thermostats
  • 95% reduction in paper use – we have drastically reduced the use of printers between 2019 and 2022, and kept the numbers down in 2023


ESET is striving to be accountable and transparent – we voluntarily include our employees‘ commutes and working from home figures in our carbon footprint. We will focus on implementing new best practices in car fleet, business trips, and employee awareness.

  • 247 employees participated in a regular global Bike to Work 2024 campaign to support ecological mobility
  • 4,160 journeys were registered by employees during the 2024 campaign, in total it makes 25,667 kilometers walked and cycled
  • 150 g/km is the specific emission limit enforced when purchasing new passenger vehicles

Energy efficiency and hardware

We’re an IT company – we rely on hardware, so we take care of it. We focus on efficient IT equipment, decreasing e-waste and using sustainable data centers.

  • External data centers have near-zero emissions in 2023 with 100% renewable energy
  • 100% of our offices discard technology in an ecological way
  • 496 pieces of personal hardware re-sold to employees or donated to NGOs, schools or kindergardens, which makes 99% of discarded hardware in Slovakia in 2023
  • 7 years of active ERG – Eco ambassadors at HQ
  • 20% of employees participate and engage with content during global campaigns
  • 841 volunteering hours spent on eco activities and improving our local environment

We raise awareness

At ESET, we support active employee engagement in environmental protection topics. We consider education and awareness-raising to be an important factor contributing to positive social change. We gather employees' opinions around the world through ERGs and ESET Environmental Council.

Progress in the physical world

Our new headquarters in Central Europe will become a global center of excellence for digital security, AI and innovation.

Redeveloped urban site

We are redeveloping an urban site and creating a living place that will turn this part of the city into an epicenter of innovation and creativity in Bratislava. In addition to the new headquarters and ESET's global research center, the Campus will create a unique and stimulating environment for IT and technology companies and startups, and connect them with technically oriented universities.

Sustainable technology and materials

We will ensure that our Campus houses the latest technologies, clever and efficient solutions to achieve the highest levels of sustainability.

The highest environmental standards

We will aim for a carbon neutral campus operation, but we’ve got an ambition to also reduce the embodied carbon by building it in the most sustainable way possible.

Water conservation techniques

Water conservation techniques are a crucial aspect of the plans for our Campus.

Biodiverse landscape

It's important for us to work with the existing biodiverse landscape to complement the surrounding area.

Facts and figures

Want to dig deeper? Read our carbon footprint reports to get a better idea of our impact on the environment.

Our Stories

ESET Commute.Protected.

We saved 10,000 kg of CO2! In June 2024, our global community used eco-friendly transport, sharing our journeys to protect the planet.

Celebrating exceptional women in cybersecurity

Since 2016, ESET awards scholarships to empower women, and for their achievements, academic excellence, and dedication to pursuing careers in STEM.

Diverse Employee Resource Groups

ESET supports women in cybersecurity through Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). Watch Viktória Ivanová and Carrie Brown discuss ERGs’ impact on our teams.