ESET Policy Hub

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Refund Policy



This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes ESET SOFTWARE UK LIMITED’s (ESET UK) slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 31 March 2018. This statement also sets out our policy for the current year and covers ESET UK and our supply chain.

Our Organisation

ESET UK is the local office owned by ESET spol s r.o. based in Bratislava, Slovakia.

We have around 60 staff, all of whom are based in the United Kingdom. Our staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in this country.

Our Supply Chain

ESET UK is committed to continuously improving its practices to identify and eliminate any slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains and to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships.

ESET UK uses a range of suppliers who supply goods and provide services at events and support our operations.


ESET UK has a number of policies which aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain. These include:

  • Working with Suppliers and Partners Policy which sets out internal requirements for buying goods and services;
  • Responsible Procurement Policy covering issues of human rights, child and forced labour and modern slavery, which ESET’s suppliers are required to comply with; and
  • Whistleblowing Policy which encourages staff to report concerns including any related to modern slavery/trafficking and child or forced labour.

Due Diligence

We monitor suppliers if we believe they present high modern slavery risks in our supply chain. This includes those who support the procurement of goods and materials particularly where those goods and materials are acquired from suppliers in high risk countries.


During the year, we have continued to provide advice and guidance to those teams who have direct responsibility for relevant supply chains and our Procurement team has participated in further modern slavery training.

Looking Ahead

Over the course of the next financial year we will continue to enhance our procedures to help us identify, prevent and mitigate any risks of modern slavery or human trafficking in relation to new and existing suppliers.


This statement has been formally approved by the Board of Directors of ESET UK.