Corporate Blog

  • Only “around 100” Cybercriminal Kingpins Worldwide

    Troels Oerting, head of Europol’s Cybercrime Centre, claims that there are only a handful of cybercrime-lords producing “malware at a speed that we have difficulties catching up with”.

  • Hackers: stereotypical or organised?

    How do we see hackers? Do we see them as pajama clad, overweight, unshaven nerds sitting in their mother’s basement? Or as highly organised and highly motivated groups or gangs?

  • Twitter Sues US Government

    Another privacy debate has sprung up. This one involves Twitter and the US government, specifically the FBI and the Department of Justice. Should other technology firms be fighting this fight?

  • 200|000 Mobile Phones left in London Cabs

    Almost 200,000 people leave their mobile phones in the back of London’s fleet of 25,000 black cabs. Mark James, security specialist at ESET, looks at the potential implications and security pitfalls.

  • CryptoWall: Watch out for Ransomware!

    CryptoWall appears to have had an update to version 2. What is CryptoWall? How does Version 2.0 differ from Version 1.0?

  • Personal Data: Exposing your data

    It seems like every day there is a new data breach. Large trusted companies become compromised and lose millions of people’s personal data in one fell swoop. But how much data do we give away freely? …