Corporate Blog

  • Credit Card Malware Acts like a Human

    A new carder-esque tool has emerged in the deep dark depths of the web which can supposedly use credit card information in a “more human way” in order to bypass fraud detection systems according to…

  • Widespread Worldwide Wi-Fi Hotspots

    A study from Wi-Fi provider iPass indicates that the UK has a Wi-Fi hotspot for every 11 people, that’s a 33% growth from 2013. Is this growth a good thing? Do people understand how to properly…

  • 2FA: Extra Security for Free?

    Two Factor Authentication, or 2FA, is a simple, and often free, way of adding an extra layer of security to many online services. But what is it and what services can you get it for?

  • Passwords: How secure are yours?

    Everyone has passwords everyone needs them. But how good are you at making secure, difficult to guess and difficult to crack passwords?

  • Can traditional AV defend against APTs?

    Lieberman Software Corporation conducted a survey in which 78% of IT security professionals say they are confident that traditional AV and Firewalls can protect against APTs. What are APTs? And how…

  • A Life Sentence for Cybercrime?

    Further to the Q&A with Mark James, ESET security specialist, I decided to have a look at a bit of public response and hold an open discussion with my colleagues on the subject of cybercrime and…