Corporate Blog

  • Router botnet used in DDoS

    LizardStresser, Lizard Squad’s rent-a-DDoS service, appears to be powered by a vast unsecured router botnet. It’s long past time to change those default passwords!

  • Microsoft End Mainstream Windows 7 Support

    January 13th 2015 marked the end of Microsoft’s “mainstream support” for Windows 7. They will be maintaining “extended support” until January 14th 2020. I asked Mark James, ESET security specialist,…

  • Hacking as a Service

    DDoS, or Distributed Denial of Services, attacks have been all over tech news for the past couple of months. Now LizardSquad, the group responsible for the Xbox and Playstation outages, are offering…

  • Rise of the Super Cookie

    More internet privacy debates have been sparked after Google’s chairman Eric Schmidt claimed that you can simply use Chrome’s “incognito mode” to avoid being “tracked by federal and state…

  • Google Project Zero and Windows 8.1

    Google’s Project Zero, which tracks and reports bugs and exploits in software to the owner, caught a bit of internet backlash after revealing an exploit present in Windows 8.1, after the 90 day grace…

  • Biometrics “bio-hacked”

    A hacker belonging to the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) revealed at a convention in Hamburg that it is possible, to forge fingerprints using photographs.