Corporate Blog

  • Does data ever die?

    Does anything ever really “die” online? Do we every actually lose anything in the “series of tubes” that we call the Internet, even after we’ve shuffled off this mortal coil?

  • Anunak and Carbanak: A Billion Dollar Story

    A series of cyber bank heists have netted a massive $1billion (£648m) from up to 100 banks and financial institutions since 2013, a report from Kaspersky Lab claims.

  • Gamers being Targeted

    Raptr, a chat and video service for gamers, suffered a breach just over a fortnight ago. Dennis Fong, Raptr Founder & CEO, released a statement advising users to “reset [their] password at [their]…

  • Anthem Health Insurance Breach

    Anthem inc., the second largest health insurer in the US, has suffered a breach which has compromised the personal information of roughly 80 million customers and employees. Mark James talks about…

  • Flash Vulnerabilities Causing Problems

    It’s been difficult to avoid news about vulnerabilities in Adobe’s Flash Player. Over the course of the past month there have been three vulnerabilities being actively used in the wild. Mark James,…

  • Google Changes Privacy Policy

    Pressure from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has resulted in Google changing their privacy policy. The ICO found that Google was “too vague when describing how it uses personal data…