Corporate Blog

  • Info Stealing Extensions

    Browser extensions. Most people use them, they can make browsing the web even easier, enhance specific sites or turn ads into cat gifs. They can also, according to a recent report, steal your login…

  • Smart Meter scheme not so smart

    Smart meters aren’t really anything new but the government’s smart meter scheme would see them in every UK home by 2020, saving a possible £17bn on energy bills. Mark James discusses the potential…

  • Google to face further legal action... potentially

    Google take a hit in the Court of Appeal after a ruling allows consumers to sue the Internet giant over alleged misuse of privacy settings. How big of a hit could this be? Not necessarily financially…

  • Tracking your location every 20 minutes!

    It’s tin foil hat time! Your smartphone is tracking every step you take! Not really, but a new study from Carnegie Mellon University has discovered that Android apps might collect geolocation data as…

  • Google turns to humans!

    Google is introducing a human element into their app screening process, what a novel concept. Actual real human people are going to be part of the review process, checking for breaches in Google’s…

  • Bitcoin Heists

    Bitcoin has been steadily growing in popularity and has garnered a number of headlines in the past few months. Amongst those headlines were a series of large Bitcoin “heists”, some being worth…