SplashData compiled their annual list of passwords made public during 2015 and ranked them in order of popularity. The list is not for the faint of heart, it makes some pretty scary reading.
Even software has a use by date. Recently Microsoft announced that version 8, 9 and 10 of Internet Explorer would no longer be supported. What should you do when software goes EOL.
The Holiday period brings cheer and good times to many but since last year keen gamers have been living in fear of Xbox Live and PSN outages.
Seeing a data breach affect millions of users is getting worryingly common at the moment. This is made even worse when those millions of users could be minors.
Over the last fortnight we looked at the large number of breaches in 2015, some essential tips for online shopping, what businesses can learn from TalkTalk and some interesting new research from…
Planning on doing your Christmas shopping online this year? Or did you get some new tech over Christmas? We’re here to keep you safe either way!