With Verizon about to buy Yahoo! this data breach could have a knock on effect for both user and company. Mark James, ESET IT Security Specialist, sheds light on the next steps both will have to…
ESET Version 10 release is drawing closer and with some fantastic new security updates, we break down what they are, how they can defend your device and why it’s important to stay protected. Mark…
ESET Version 10 release is approaching and with brilliant new updates to keep you ultra- protected. We break down what they mean and how they protect you and your device. This focuses on the Webcam…
With the Version 10 release just around the corner, we delve into what new features the update includes and break down what Script-Based Attack Protection is, and how it protects your device.
Using an old piece of software or Operating System cracks open a can of worms in terms of security issues, because sadly the older the system, the less compatible it is with newer fixes, patches and…
In this Jargon Buster we’ll look at two-factor authentication, two-step verification and other ways to further secure your logins details.