Corporate Blog

  • 10 tips and tricks for staying safe online

    Malware is constantly on the rise and it seems like large scale breaches are an almost daily event. Headline grabbing breaches are just the tip of the iceberg however: multitudes of normal computer…

  • Haunted by old malware

    A lot of IT security related news focuses heavily on ‘new’ forms of malware, like ransomware for example, but older malware is still doing the rounds and causing trouble.

  • Medical equipment interrupted by AV

    Antivirus software can keep you safe, but when it’s improperly configured it could cause serious damage to not only your system but your patients.

  • Why is spam email so dangerous?

    How dangerous can spam emails really be? Mark James, ESET IT Security Specialist, explains that without good anti-spam software you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to insidious emails.

  • Why are online gamers a target?

    Internet gaming attracts millions of people and millions in revenue, so it’s not difficult to see why it’s increasingly becoming a target for malware makers and scammers alike. How can you protect…

  • 2FA: An easy win for security

    Two-Factor Authentication or 2FA is an easy win for security: whether you’re using Google Authenticator or Authy to protect Gmail, Facebook and many other accounts, or a paid version to protect your…