Corporate Blog

  • Spyware found on Google Play

    SonicSpy, a messaging app found on the Google Play store, is posing as a messaging service in order for users to download and use it to spread the hidden Spyware embedded in the app.

  • Could you spot a dodgy email?

    Fraudulent and malicious emails are on the rise, could you tell the difference between a real email and a fraudulent one?

  • Crisis management after cyber attacks

    When a company suffers a cyberattack or data breach, the way they deal with and extinguish the situation speaks volumes to their staff and customers.

  • Newcastle University fake website scam

    Newcastle University prospective students have been scammed with an unofficial website using the university brand to fraudulently accept credit card payments for course applications.

  • How secure is our electrical infrastructure?

    The Horus Scenario: practical and theoretical research, which shows an existence of vulnerabilities in solar panel power grids, leaving them exposed to hacking.

  • Home Secretary want to abolish end-to-end encryption

    UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd has announced that she would like to abolish end-to-end encryption within messaging applications, like WhatsApp.