Corporate Blog

  • Utilities and IoT under attack

    The risk of cyber-attacks which can interrupt electricity supply to electric distribution grids is a global concern.

  • Spear-phishing with FreeMilk

    A directed spear phishing campaign was discovered in May that targeted specific individuals with carefully constructed, customised emails, dubbed FreeMilk.

  • Pornhub users targeted

    A large and extensive malvertising campaign targeted millions of Pornhub users, deceiving them into installing malware on their PCs.

  • NCSC: One year on

    After the first year in operation, the National Cyber Security Centre has had more than 1,000 incidents reported, which highlights the severe increase in cybercrime and the UK’s attempts of blocking…

  • Who is to blame for Equifax?

    The Equifax breach, disclosed back in July, saw 145.5 million of their customers have personal details stolen. Mark James looks at who could be to blame.

  • Phishing emails disguised as ‘secure messages’

    A new phishing campaign that imitates ‘secure messages’ from private banks and financial institutions has begun circulating.