Corporate Blog

  • LockCrypt ransomware

    Hackers have been breaking into corporate servers with RDP brute force attacks and infecting them with LockCrypt.

  • UK data being sold on the dark web

    If you live in the UK, the chances are, you’ve already been hacked.

  • EHDevel: key logging malware

    EHDevel; the malware which was logging key strokes, location and steals personal data in order to spy on and gather intelligence on Indian and Pakistani entities.

  • Black Friday shopping tips

    With Black Friday and Cyber Monday this weekend, offers and sales are not only available in-store, but online too, with promotions flooding into our email inboxes, TV’s and social media.

  • Facebook trying to tackle revenge porn

    Facebook are piloting an attempt to crack down on ‘revenge porn’ in Australia, hashing images to prevent malicious uploading of intimate images without their consent.

  • How private are our private accounts?

    The private WhatsApp account of WWE wrestler, Paige, has been hacked, which is the second time her accounts have been targeted this year.