Corporate Blog

  • Fake anti-virus apps

    Android is plagued with fake apps and fake anti-virus apps could be the worst of the worst.

  • GDPR and You

    GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation, represents not only a massive change for some businesses but how you can control how your personal data is used.

  • NHS upgrading to Windows 10

    UK government investing millions in bolstering NHS systems and security following ransomware attack last year.

  • Check how GDPR compliant you are

    Looking for some essential tips for the General Data Protection Regulation and a way to check your current state of compliance?

  • Why is encryption so important to GDPR?

    Encryption is a crucial part of GDPR compliance but why is it so important and how does it work?

  • TrickBot Banking Trojan gets a new look

    First appearing in 2016, the TrickBot Banking Trojan has been ever changing. The latest evolution has added a new revenue stream for the malware’s author.