Corporate Blog

  • 2FA: A modern essential!

    Two-factor authentication is an easy win for your online account security and here’s why.

  • Banking malware targeting Android

    Android banking malware uses overlay screen to steal credentials.

  • $100 ‘Smart Lock’ shows us the risks of IoT devices

    Internet of Things (IoT) and smart devices are all the rage, but what is the risk of buying and using a brand new smart product?

  • Baddies bypass AV with Excel files

    Excel Web Query (.IQY) files are being used to bypass some antivirus software and infect victims with a remote access trojan (RAT) malware.

  • Post-GDPR steps

    We now live in a post-GDPR world. Make sure you aren’t caught afoul of the new regulation with these simple steps.

  • GDPR Checklist

    Tomáš Mičo, ESET Senior Data Protection and Licencing Lawyer, suggests five important points to focus on when considering your organisations GDPR compliance.