Corporate Blog

  • 10 top tips for staying safe online

    Nowadays if you haven’t had some of your personal data stolen in one breach or another, you are in the vast minority.

  • Hackers dodge prison by helping police

    The hackers behind a highly damaging strain of malware have dodged prison by agreeing to assist the FBI in cybercrime investigations.

  • Staying one step ahead

    Cybercrime is constantly shifting and evolving, how can you stay ahead of the curve and avoid being hit by new and old malware?

  • BA breached post-GDPR

    British Airways suffered the first big breach post-GDPR, what lessons can other businesses learn from their response?

  • Cyber black mail scam leaves internet-users red-faced

    Cybercriminals understand that for cyber blackmail scams to be successful, they first need to instil fear in their victims, and a new extortion campaign hitting UK internet-users does exactly that.

  • What do you need to protect your Android devices?

    We’ve seen a huge increase in Android and mobile malware over the past few years. Here are 5 reasons you need to protect your phone or tablet, just like you would your home computer.