The new digital transformation strategy

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James Pavett

To be able to react and adapt to the ever changing digital landscape, the government have put together a new digital transformation strategy.

The UK has one of the most digitally advance governments in the world, coming top in the 2016 United Nations E-government survey. However, to keep on top of the ever-advancing cybercrime industry the UK government is proposing a new digital transformation strategy.

Since 2012, the government digital strategy has undergone a huge change: rebuilding services to make the “digital by default” and new digital professions have been established.

Governmental departments will now need to collaborate across the traditional ‘boundaries’, especially since the vote to leave the EU has increased the need to be responsive and ability to adapt to an ever changing environment.

A new and improved digital government will strengthen digital capacity and capabilities, meet user needs with the appropriate safeguards, and make data easier to share across government but managed securely.

Mark James, ESET IT Security Specialist, talks about the new digital strategy and what that means for the cyber security future.

Security is an ever changing landscape.

“Having the basics covered and a clear path of what you expect, what you intend to do and how you can achieve your goals is a great way to start but realistically that’s all it is, just covering the basics.

“The ability to adapt on the move in conjunction with real life events will be one of the deciding factors in securing our digital world, data and resource sharing is an absolute must if we want to win.

“Making sure information is freely available and easily found while guidelines and legislation is laid out clearly for all to see and understand should help companies and users integrate better.

Security is best formed from the ground up and does not work so well when utilised as an afterthought.

“There are a few things we can be certain about: the digital landscape will change massively over the next 3-5 years. Securing that change will need a lot of resources and money but foresight and planning is certainly one of the best building blocks to form a good foundation.”


What do you think of the proposed new digital strategy? Let us know on Twitter @ESETUK


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