NHS upgrading to Windows 10

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Following the ransomware attack on the NHS last year, the UK government are investing millions in bolstering systems and security.

You are no doubt aware of the WannaCry attack on the NHS last year, in light of that the UK government has spent £60 million on bolstering NHS systems and plans to spend a further £150 million.

Some of the money is going toward upgrading NHS infrastructure to Windows 10, away from the now unsupported Windows 7 and XP.

This is obviously excellent news and certainly sets an example to every other public services and institution still running out-dated and unsupported operating systems.

Mark James, ESET IT Security Specialist, comments on the news while explaining that it isn’t going to be easy.

“Any move towards a greater level of security has to be embraced with open arms.

“It won’t be easy, it will of course come with its fair share of snags and issues but as with most improvements it will be better going forward.

“The benefits of Windows 10 over 7 (and XP) are huge, especially the browser so it’s a positive “yay” from me.

“We must remember it’s not just the desktop platform, there are many devices within the NHS ecosystem that will require upgrading and with the majority of IT upgrades come risks and pains.

“The positive side of course is the ability to keep the OS (operating system) regularly updated moving forward, Windows 10 is the easiest way to do this to date and has many features that will help protect this delicate environment.

“IT security is made up of many factors, a multi-layered approach is the only way forward and it appears a good start in getting it right.

“Education, knowledge, hardware and software all make up the many faceted edges needed to protect the sheer amount of private information the NHS stores safe from the never ending onslaught of bad actors and opportunistic malware working its way around the digital world we need to be connected to 24/7.”

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