Proaktivna kibernetska obramba za vaše podjetje

Zmanjšajte tveganja z naslednjo generacijo preventivnih ukrepov


Napredna AI z človeško strokovnostjo

Svetovno znani podatki o grožnjah

Prilagojena lokalna podpora

Ostanite korak pred ostalimi z ESET PROTECT Platformo

Zaščitite svojo organizacijo pred izsiljevalskimi virusi, ribarjenjem, zero-day grožnjami in ciljanimi napadi.

Doživite visoko prilagodljive varnostne rešitve s minimalnim vplivom na zmogljivost, ki prepoznajo in nevtralizirajo znane in nove grožnje, še preden se lahko izvedejo, podpirajo poslovno kontinuiteto in zmanjšujejo stroške implementacije in upravljanja.


Zaščita za vse vrste končnih točk brez dodatne nastavitve

Zaščita končnih točk in podatkov pred izsiljevalsko programsko opremo

Večvektorska zaščita za zmanjšanje površine napada

Celovita zaščita s storitvijo MDR 24/7

Konzola Enoten vmesnik kibernetske varnostne platforme, ki omogoča vrhunski pregled in nadzor nad omrežjem. Na voljo kot oblačna ali lokalna namestitev.

Sodobna zaščita končnih točk Napredna večplastna zaščita za računalnike in pametne telefone, ki jo poganja edinstvena tehnologija ESET LiveSense.

naslednje generacije Zaščita poslovanja z antivirusom naslednje generacije, ki vam pomaga ostati korak pred znanimi in novimi grožnjami z našim pristopom, temelječim na umetni inteligenci in preventivi.

Zaščita pred
omrežnimi napadi Krepi vašo omrežno infrastrukturo z blokiranjem škodljivega omrežnega prometa neposredno na končnih točkah.

Nadzor naprav Omogoča omejitev nepooblaščenih naprav, kot so USB ključki ali CD-ji, s čimer preprečuje dostop do občutljivih podatkov in zmanjšuje tveganje za vdore in notranje grožnje.

Zaščita pred
lažnim predstavljanjem Varuje občutljive podatke podjetja pred phishingom, ciljnim phishingom in drugimi vrstami napadov socialnega inženiringa.

Zaščita strežnikov Zaščita podatkov vašega podjetja v realnem času, ki prehajajo skozi vse splošne strežnike.

Mobilna obramba pred grožnjami Robustna varnost za vse mobilne naprave Android in iOS v organizaciji. Opremljanje vaše mobilne flote z zmogljivostmi proti zlonamerni programski opremi, zaščito pred krajo in MDM.

Šifriranje celotnega diska Robustna rešitev za šifriranje sistemskih diskov, particij ali celotnih naprav za dosego skladnosti z zakonodajo.

Napredna obramba pred grožnjami Proaktivna oblačna preventiva pred izsiljevalsko programsko opremo ali prej neznanimi vrstami groženj z avtonomnimi zmogljivostmi za odpravo težav.

Upravljanje ranljivosti in popravkov Aktivno sledenje in odpravljanje ranljivosti v operacijskih sistemih in aplikacijah na vseh končnih točkah.

Zaščita poštnega strežnika Dodatna plast varnosti, ki ščiti Exchange in IBM poštne strežnike pred grožnjami, ki vstopajo v omrežje, poleg standardne zaščite končnih točk in datotečnih strežnikov.

Vključuje napredno zaščito pred phishingom, zlonamerno programsko opremo in neželeno pošto, kombinirano z oblačno proaktivno obrambo pred grožnjami. Ponuja robustno upravljanje karantene ter sistem določanja pravil in filtriranja.

Preprečuje izsiljevalsko programsko opremo in druge napade prek e-pošte, ne da bi pri tem ogrozila hitrost e-pošte.

Zaščita oblačnih aplikacij Napredna zaščita za aplikacije Microsoft 365 in Google Workspace z dodatno proaktivno obrambo pred grožnjami.

Extended Detection
and Response 
Additional platform capability to proactively detect threats, effectively identify anomalous behavior in the network and realize timely remediation, preventing breaches and business disruption.

ESET Inspect, the XDR-enabling cloud-based tool, provides outstanding threat and system visibility, allowing risk managers and security professionals to perform fast and in-depth root cause analysis and immediately respond to incidents.

MDR Service 24/7 managed detection and response service combining AI and human expertise to achieve unmatched threat detection and rapid incident response.

 Single-tap, mobile-based multi-factor authentication that protects organizations from weak passwords and unauthorized access.

Premium Support
Prioritized, accelerated and
guaranteed support from experts.


Mobile Threat Defense

Efficiently protect and manage your company mobile fleet

Includes: ESET Endpoint Security for Android and ESET MDM

  • Console
  • Mobile Threat Defense
  • MDM for iOS and IpadOS

Cloud App Protection

Advanced protection for cloud email, collaboration and storage, with proactive threat defense

Includes: ESET Cloud Office Security

  • Antimalware
  • Antispam
  • Antiphishing
  • Advanced Threat Defense
  • Cloud-based console
  • Exchange Online, OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint Online, Gmail, Google Drive protection

Multi-Factor Authentication

Powerful multi-factor authentication for safe access to networks and data

Includes: ESET Secure Authentication


  • Prevent data breaches
  • Meet compliance requirements
  • Use phone or hardware tokens
  • Secure VPNs, remote login, web apps and more
  • Cloud-based deployment NEW

Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server

Advanced protection for SharePoint servers against malicious uploads and unwanted files

Includes: ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server

  • Ransomware protection
  • Data breaches prevention
  • Zero-day threats detection
  • Fileless attacks prevention

Endpoint Encryption

Simple and powerful encryption for organizations of all sizes

Includes: ESET Endpoint Encryption


  • Full disk encryption
  • Removable media encryption
  • File & folder encryption
  • Virtual disks & encrypted archives
  • Centralized management compatible

Mail Server Security

Multilayered email protection with zero-day threat defense

Includes: ESET PROTECT Mail Plus


  • Console
  • Advanced Threat Defense
  • Mail Server Security



Achieve industry-leading protection without needing in-house security specialists and leverage ESET’s cybersecurity expertise with immediate AI-powered threat detection and response.

  • Immediate response
  • Get ready for compliance
  • 24/7 expert-led continuous monitoring, hunting, triage and response

Premium Support

Get prompt assistance from ESET at any hour of the day or night, including weekends and public holidays.

  • ESET experts will help set up your ESET products to minimize potential issues down the line
  • Pain-free security—get fast, guaranteed responses
  • Always available—get support 24/7/365

Threat Intelligence

Get in-depth, up-to-date  knowledge about specific threats and attack vectors. Use the expertise of ESET's IT team, whose global perspective will enable your organization to:

  • Detect Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
  • Block suspicious domains
  • Prevent botnet attacks
  • Block Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)

"ESET products are on top of their game.
Excellent value and performance."

IT manager, education industry (via Gartner Peer Insights)


Business customers in
200 countries


Award-winning, cloud-first XDR cybersecurity platform that combines next-gen prevention, detection and proactive threat hunting capabilities.


Let us help you find the right solution



What is your current role?

Manage your endpoints wherever you are

ESET PROTECT is the unified cybersecurity platform interface for ESET solutions across all operating systems in your network, available as cloud or on-premises deployment. Learn more

MSP & Partnership

Allowing your business to progress

  • Flexibility: Autonomously set seat counts
  • Unified ecosystem: Say goodbye to portal fatigue
  • Automation: Multiple options to save your time
  • Integrations: Plugins for all major RMMs and PSAs

MSP & Partnership

Allowing your business to progress

  • Flexibility: Autonomously set seat counts
  • Unified ecosystem: Say goodbye to portal fatigue
  • Automation: Multiple options to save your time
  • Integrations: Plugins for all major RMMs and PSAs

Committed to the highest industry standards

Respected by industry analysts

Learn more

Awarded in independent tests

See test results

Appreciated by customers worldwide

Read full reviews


We are a leading digital security provider with prevention-first technology, able to identify and neutralize different threat attack vectors before they can be exploited, providing best-in-class protection against the most advanced cybercriminals.

internet users protected by ESET technology
R&D centers worldwide
business customers in nearly 200 countries and territories

"Technology has changed the world. Protecting that technology has always been our world."
Richard Marko, CEO, ESET

"Technology has changed the world. Protecting that technology has always been our world."
Richard Marko, CEO, ESET

Resources and related documents

Read case studies

A hat-trick for IT security. BVB, Germany
Read case study

A positive journey with immense learning. Fiji Airways
Read case study

Ease of use for a network of pharmacies. EPC Familia, Belgium
Read case study

Relieving security paranoia. Barut Hospitality Management, Turkey
Read case study

A hat-trick for IT security. BVB, Germany
Read case study

A positive journey with immense learning. Fiji Airways
Read case study

Ease of use for a network of pharmacies. EPC Familia, Belgium
Read case study

Relieving security paranoia. Barut Hospitality Management, Turkey
Read case study