Celovita varnostna rešitev za podjetja vseh velikosti
Razširjeno zaznavanje in odzivanje
Pridobite celovito rešitev za preprečevanje, zaznavanje in odpravljanje groženj.
Razširjena vidnost končnih točk, iskanje groženj in odzivanje na incidente, zasnovano za takojšnje obvladovanje vseh varnostnih težav v vašem omrežju.
Napredna obramba pred grožnjami
Preprečevanje zero-day groženj
Zaščita pred programi za odkupnino in novimi, doslej nevidenimi vrstami groženj, ki uporablja prilagodljivo skeniranje, strojno učenje, oblačno peskovnikovanje in temeljito analizo vedenja.
Močno šifriranje
Zaščitite poslovne podatke
Pomaga pri skladnosti s predpisi o podatkih zahvaljujoč možnostim popolnega šifriranja diska v operacijskih sistemih Windows in macOS.
Napredna zaščita
V realnem času zaščitite podjetje.
Edinstvena detekcija na podlagi vedenja in ugleda, ki je popolnoma transparentna za varnostne ekipe in jim omogoča realnočasovno povratno informacijo, zbrano iz več kot 110 milijonov končnih točk v ESET LiveGrid®
Konzola Enoten vmesnik platforme za kibernetsko varnost zagotavlja vrhunsko vidljivost in nadzor omrežja. Na voljo kot uvedba v oblaku ali na mestu uporabe.
Modern Endpoint Protection Napredna večplastna zaščita za računalnike in pametne telefone, ki jih poganja edinstvena tehnologija ESET LiveSense.
Server Security Zaščita v realnem času za podatke vašega podjetja, ki prehajajo skozi vse splošne strežnike.
Full Disk
Encryption Robustna rešitev šifriranja za sistemske diske, particije ali celotne naprave za doseganje zakonske skladnosti.
Advanced Threat
Defense Proaktivna obramba v oblaku pred zero-day in še nikoli videnimi vrstami groženj z uporabo strojnega učenja in analize peskovnika v oblaku.
Detection & Response (XDR) Komponenta ESET PROTECT platforme, ki omogoča XDR, zagotavlja preprečevanje vdorov, izboljšano vidnost in odpravljanje težav..
This module is available from ESET PROTECT Complete.
This module is available from ESET PROTECT Complete.
This module is available from ESET PROTECT Complete.
This module is available from ESET PROTECT Elite.
This module is available in ESET PROTECT MDR.
This module is available in ESET PROTECT MDR.
This module is available in ESET PROTECT MDR.
Popolna vidljivost vašega omrežja in končnih točk, kjerkoli že ste

Izkusite polni potencial konzole zdaj.
Ničesar ni treba namestiti ali nastaviti.
Upravljanje z enim klikom
Dejanja, kot je ustvarjanje izključitve, pošiljanje datotek v nadaljnjo analizo ali začetek skeniranja, so na voljo z enim klikom.
Napredna poročila
Platforma ESET PROTECT ponuja več kot 170 vgrajenih poročil in omogoča ustvarjanje poročil po meri iz več kot 1000 podatkovnih točk.
Obvestila po meri
Uporabite vnaprej določena obvestila ali ustvarite svoja. Sistem obveščanja vsebuje popoln urejevalnik »kar vidite, to dobite«.
Kaj pravijo strokovnjaki za IT

Angela S
"Je zelo prilagodljivo orodje. Po mojem mnenju je najbolj funkcionalno, robustno in obvladljivo orodje kot katero koli drugo."
Preberi celotno oceno

Jason D
"Vmesnik je enostaven za uporabo in lahek za sistem. Pri uporabi v 4+ jedrni napravi s SSD je vpliv na sistem zanemarljiv za večino pisarniških opravil."
Preberi celotno oceno

Jaliya S
"Je enostaven za uporabo, preprost in razumljiv. Zato lahko preprosto upravljamo njegove funkcije. Prav tako ga je enostavno namestiti, konfigurirati in posodobiti."
Preberi celotno oceno

Jen D
"Všeč mi je način, na katerega nam pomaga pri odkrivanju nepotrebnih stvari, ki nenehno poganjajo naše sisteme. Na ta način povečuje varnost našega sistema."
Preberi celotno oceno
Na podlagi mnenj strank, z G2 Crowd anketami, ki so poslovne stranke ESET prosile, da ocenijo svoje izkušnje z uporabo ESET Endpoint Security.

Protected by ESET since 2017
more than 9,000 endpoints

Protected by ESET since 2016
more than 4,000 mailboxes

Protected by ESET since 2016
more than 32,000 endpoints

ISP security partner since 2008
2 milion customer base
Zahteve sistema in informacije o licenci
Podprti operacijski sistemi
Za računalnike
Za pametne telefone in tablice
Za datotečne strežnike
Informacije o licenci
Vključeno upravljanje v oblaku in na lokalno
Prilagodljivo licenciranje
Povezani viri in dokumenti
Uporabni primeri
Napadi s prevarami in lažnimi spletnimi mesti, ki poskušajo ukrasti prijavne podatke, naraščajo. Poglejte, kako vam lahko ESET pomaga.
ESET je bil označen kot 'Pomemben igralec' v oceni ponudnikov IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Modern Endpoint Security for Enterprises 2021 Vendor Assessment
Analitiki in testiranje
Ugotovite, kaj industrijski analitiki pravijo o ESET-u in kako delujemo v neodvisnih testih.
Iščete več možnosti za varnost?
Console Unified cybersecurity platform interface providing superior network visibility and control. Available as cloud or on-prem deployment.
Modern Endpoint Protection Advanced multilayered protection for computers and smartphones powered by unique ESET LiveSense technology.
Antivirus Next-gen antivirus protection for business that helps you stay ahead of known and emerging threats with our AI-native, prevention-first approach.
Network Attack
Protection Fortifies your network infrastructure by blocking harmful network traffic directly on endpoints.
Device Control Enables restriction of unauthorized devices, such as USB flash drives or CDs, to prevent access to sensitive data, mitigating the risk of data breaches and insider threats.
Anti-Phishing Safeguards sensitive company data from phishing, spear phishing and other types of social engineering attacks.
Mobile Threat Defense Robust security for all Android and iOS mobile devices within the organization. Equip your mobile fleet with Antimalware, Anti-Theft and MDM capabilities.
Full Disk Encryption Robust encryption solution for system disks, partitions or entire devices to achieve legal compliance.
Advanced Threat Defense Proactive cloud-based prevention against ransomware or never-before-seen threat types with autonomous remediation capabilities.
Extended Detection
and Response Additional platform capability to proactively detect threats, effectively identify anomalous behavior in the network and realize timely remediation, preventing breaches and business disruption.
ESET Inspect, the XDR-enabling cloud-based tool, provides outstanding threat and system visibility, allowing risk managers and security professionals to perform fast and in-depth root cause analysis and immediately respond to incidents.
Vulnerability & Patch Management Actively track & fix vulnerabilities in operating systems and applications across all endpoints.
This addon can be purchased with, or on top of this ESET PROTECT tier. Click here and contact a salesperson to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
This addon can be purchased with, or on top of this ESET PROTECT tier. Click here and contact a salesperson to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Mail Server Security An additional layer of security, protecting Exchange email servers from threats entering the network on top of the standard endpoint and file server protection.
Features advanced anti-phishing, anti-malware, and anti-spam combined with cloud-powered proactive threat defense. Provides you with robust quarantine management and rule definition/filtering system.
Prevents ransomware and other email-borne attacks without compromising email's speed.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Cloud App Protection Advanced protection for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace apps, with additional proactive threat defense.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Authentication Single-tap, mobile-based multi-factor authentication that protects organizations from weak passwords and unauthorized access.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
MDR Ultimate Service End-to-end digital security with proactive threat hunting.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Premium Support
Advanced Flawless deployment, operation and incident resolution. Leave it all to us.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
ESET AI Advisor ESET's proprietary generative AI cybersecurity assistant helps with interactive risk identification, analysis, and response
Threat Intelligence Get in-depth, up-to-date global knowledge about specific threats and attack sources.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
Available as on demand upgrade providing additional protection layer. Click here and contact a sales person to receive an offering tailored to your individual needs. No commitment.
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