Brezskrbna plačila in zaščita zasebnosti z funkcijami, kot so zaščita pred lažnim predstavljanjem in Wi-Fi zaščita.

30 dni, brez potrebne kreditne kartice
  • 24/7 zaščita v realnem času Naša večplastna varnost presega običajen protivirusni program, saj vas ščiti pred vsemi vrstami zlonamerne programske opreme — trojanci, virusi, vohunsko programsko opremo in več.

    Na voljo tudi za mac.OS
  • Hitro skeniranje brez prekinitev Za nemoteno brskanje in igranje iger — recite zbogom nadležnim pojavnim oknom.

    Na voljo tudi za mac.OS.
  • Varno bančništvo in brskanje Neprekinjena zaščita pred spletnimi prevarami z anti-phishingom, šifriranimi finančnimi transakcijami in označevanjem nevarnih iskalnih rezultatov.
  • Zaščiteni pametni telefoni in pametni domovi Uporabite ESET za blokiranje nepooblaščenega dostopa do vašega Wi-Fi ali spletne kamere in nadzor nad spletno varnostjo vaših otrok..
  • Varno prijavljanje z upravljalnikom gesel Vse, kar morate zapomniti, je vaše glavno geslo! Varno shranjujte in delite svoja gesla na vseh napravah.
  • Šifriranje občutljivih podatkov in fotografij Vojaško razred šifriranja datotek, map in USB ključkov — omogoča varno sodelovanje in deljenje podatkov.
  • Čiščenje metapodatkov za izboljšano zasebnost Zaščitite svojo zasebnost z odstranjevanjem metapodatkov — kot so čas zajema in lokacija — iz naloženih slik..
  • Blokirajte neželena obvestila spletnih strani Preglejte ali blokirajte obvestila spletnih strani, ki lahko vplivajo na vaš sistem, tudi po tem, ko je spletna stran zaprta.
  • Neomejen VPN Preprečite neželeno sledenje in ostanite varni z anonimnim IP naslovom. Neomejena pasovna širina pomeni varno in neomejeno dostopnost do spletnih vsebin.


Povišajte svojo zaščito z Password Manageršifriranjem občutljivih datotek in naprednim zaznavanjem groženj.

30 dni, brez potrebne kreditne kartice
  • 24/7 zaščita v realnem času Naša večplastna varnost presega običajen protivirusni program, saj vas ščiti pred vsemi vrstami zlonamerne programske opreme — trojanci, virusi, vohunsko programsko opremo in več.

    Na voljo tudi za mac.OS.
  • Hitro skeniranje brez prekinitev Za nemoteno brskanje in igranje iger — recite zbogom nadležnim pojavnim oknom.

    Na voljo tudi za mac.OS.
  • Varno bančništvo in brskanje Neprekinjena zaščita pred spletnimi prevarami z anti-phishingom, šifriranimi finančnimi transakcijami in označevanjem nevarnih iskalnih rezultatov.
  • Zaščiteni pametni telefoni in pametni domovi Uporabite ESET za blokiranje nepooblaščenega dostopa do vašega Wi-Fi ali spletne kamere in nadzor nad spletno varnostjo vaših otrok.
  • Varno prijavljanje z upravljalnikom gesel Vse, kar morate zapomniti, je vaše glavno geslo! Varno shranjujte in delite svoja gesla na vseh napravah..

    Na voljo tudi za mac.OS.
  • Šifriranje občutljivih podatkov in fotografij Vojaško razred šifriranja datotek, map in USB ključkov — omogoča varno sodelovanje in deljenje podatkov.
  • Čiščenje metapodatkov za izboljšano zasebnost Zaščitite svojo zasebnost z odstranjevanjem metapodatkov — kot so čas zajema in lokacija — iz naloženih slik.
  • Blokirajte neželena obvestila spletnih strani Preglejte ali blokirajte obvestila spletnih strani, ki lahko vplivajo na vaš sistem, tudi po tem, ko je spletna stran zaprta.
  • Neomejen VPN Preprečite neželeno sledenje in ostanite varni z anonimnim IP naslovom. Neomejena pasovna širina pomeni varno in neomejeno dostopnost do spletnih vsebin..

Pridobite najboljši varnostni načrt, ki vključuje VPN in čiščenje metapodatkov za popolno brezskrbnost.

  • 24/7 zaščita v realnem času Naša večplastna varnost presega običajen protivirusni program, saj vas ščiti pred vsemi vrstami zlonamerne programske opreme — trojanci, virusi, vohunsko programsko opremo in več.

    Na voljo tudi za mac.OS.
  • Hitro skeniranje brez prekinitev Za nemoteno brskanje in igranje iger — recite zbogom nadležnim pojavnim oknom.

    Na voljo tudi za mac.OS.
  • Varno bančništvo in brskanje Neprekinjena zaščita pred spletnimi prevarami z anti-phishingom, šifriranimi finančnimi transakcijami in označevanjem nevarnih iskalnih rezultatov.
  • Zaščiteni pametni telefoni in pametni domovi Uporabite ESET za blokiranje nepooblaščenega dostopa do vašega Wi-Fi ali spletne kamere in nadzor nad spletno varnostjo vaših otrok.
  • Varno prijavljanje z upravljalnikom gesel Vse, kar morate zapomniti, je vaše glavno geslo! Varno shranjujte in delite svoja gesla na vseh napravah..

    Na voljo tudi za mac.OS.
  • Šifriranje občutljivih podatkov in fotografij Vojaško razred šifriranja datotek, map in USB ključkov — omogoča varno sodelovanje in deljenje podatkov.
  • Čiščenje metapodatkov za izboljšano zasebnost Zaščitite svojo zasebnost z odstranjevanjem metapodatkov — kot so čas zajema in lokacija — iz naloženih slik.
  • Blokirajte neželena obvestila spletnih strani Preglejte ali blokirajte obvestila spletnih strani, ki lahko vplivajo na vaš sistem, tudi po tem, ko je spletna stran zaprta.
  • Neomejen VPN Preprečite neželeno sledenje in ostanite varni z anonimnim IP naslovom. Neomejena pasovna širina pomeni varno in neomejeno dostopnost do spletnih vsebin.

    Na voljo tudi za mac.OS.

Worry-free payments and privacy protection with features such as anti-phishing and Wi-Fi protection.

30 days, no credit card required
  • 24/7 real-time protection Our multilayered security goes far beyond antivirus, protecting you from all types of malware—trojans, viruses, spyware and more.

    Available also for mac.OS
  • Fast scans without interruptions For smooth browsing and gaming — say goodbye to annoying pop-ups.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Non-stop safe banking & browsing Continuous protection against online fraud with Anti-phishing, encrypted financial transactions and the flagging of unsafe search results.
  • Protected smartphones and smart homes Use ESET to blocks unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi or webcam and monitor your kids’ online safety.
  • Secure logins with Password Manager All you need to remember is your master password! Safely store and share your passwords across all devices.
  • Encryption of sensitive data and photos Military-grade encryption of files, folders and USBs — enables secure collaboration and data sharing.
  • Metadata Cleanup for enhanced privacy Protect your privacy by removing metadata — things like capture time and location — from uploaded images.
  • Block unwanted website notifications Review or block website notifications that can interact with your system, even after the website is closed.
  • Unlimited VPN Prevent unwanted tracking and stay secure with an anonymous IP address. Unlimited bandwidth means safe and unlimited access to online content.


Elevate your protection with Password Manager, encryption for sensitive files and cutting-edge threat detection.

30 days, no credit card required
  • 24/7 real-time protection Our multilayered security goes far beyond antivirus, protecting you from all types of malware—trojans, viruses, spyware and more.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Fast scans without interruptions For smooth browsing and gaming — say goodbye to annoying pop-ups.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Non-stop safe banking & browsing Continuous protection against online fraud with Anti-phishing, encrypted financial transactions and the flagging of unsafe search results.
  • Protected smartphones and smart homes Use ESET to blocks unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi or webcam and monitor your kids’ online safety.
  • Secure logins with Password Manager All you need to remember is your master password! Safely store and share your passwords across all devices.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Encryption of sensitive data and photos Military-grade encryption of files, folders and USBs — enables secure collaboration and data sharing.
  • Metadata Cleanup for enhanced privacy Protect your privacy by removing metadata — things like capture time and location — from uploaded images.
  • Block unwanted website notifications Review or block website notifications that can interact with your system, even after the website is closed.
  • Unlimited VPN Prevent unwanted tracking and stay secure with an anonymous IP address. Unlimited bandwidth means safe and unlimited access to online content.

Get the best security plan available, complete with VPN and Identity protection for total peace of mind.

  • 24/7 real-time protection Our multilayered security goes far beyond antivirus, protecting you from all types of malware — trojans, viruses, spyware and more.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Fast scans without interruptions For smooth browsing and gaming — say goodbye to annoying pop-ups.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Non-stop safe banking & browsing Continuous protection against online fraud with Anti-phishing, encrypted financial transactions and the flagging of unsafe search results.
  • Protected smartphones and smart homes Use ESET to blocks unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi or webcam and monitor your kids’ online safety.
  • Secure logins with Password Manager All you need to remember is your master password! Safely store and share your passwords across all devices.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Encryption of sensitive data and photos Military-grade encryption of files, folders and USBs — enables secure collaboration and data sharing.
  • Metadata Cleanup for enhanced privacy Protect your privacy by removing metadata — things like capture time and location — from uploaded images.
  • Block unwanted website notifications Review or block website notifications that can interact with your system, even after the website is closed.
  • Unlimited VPN Prevent unwanted tracking and stay secure with an anonymous IP address. Unlimited bandwidth means safe and unlimited access to online content.

    Available also for macOS.

Worry-free payments and privacy protection with features such as anti-phishing and Wi-Fi protection.

30 days, no credit card required
  • 24/7 real-time protection Our multilayered security goes far beyond antivirus, protecting you from all types of malware—trojans, viruses, spyware and more.

    Available also for mac.OS
  • Fast scans without interruptions For smooth browsing and gaming — say goodbye to annoying pop-ups.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Non-stop safe banking & browsing Continuous protection against online fraud with Anti-phishing, encrypted financial transactions and the flagging of unsafe search results.
  • Protected smartphones and smart homes Use ESET to blocks unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi or webcam and monitor your kids’ online safety.
  • Secure logins with Password Manager All you need to remember is your master password! Safely store and share your passwords across all devices.
  • Encryption of sensitive data and photos Military-grade encryption of files, folders and USBs — enables secure collaboration and data sharing.
  • Metadata Cleanup for enhanced privacy Protect your privacy by removing metadata — things like capture time and location — from uploaded images.
  • Block unwanted website notifications Review or block website notifications that can interact with your system, even after the website is closed.
  • Unlimited VPN Prevent unwanted tracking and stay secure with an anonymous IP address. Unlimited bandwidth means safe and unlimited access to online content.


Elevate your protection with Password Manager, encryption for sensitive files and cutting-edge threat detection.

30 days, no credit card required
  • 24/7 real-time protection Our multilayered security goes far beyond antivirus, protecting you from all types of malware—trojans, viruses, spyware and more.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Fast scans without interruptions For smooth browsing and gaming — say goodbye to annoying pop-ups.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Non-stop safe banking & browsing Continuous protection against online fraud with Anti-phishing, encrypted financial transactions and the flagging of unsafe search results.
  • Protected smartphones and smart homes Use ESET to blocks unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi or webcam and monitor your kids’ online safety.
  • Secure logins with Password Manager All you need to remember is your master password! Safely store and share your passwords across all devices.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Encryption of sensitive data and photos Military-grade encryption of files, folders and USBs — enables secure collaboration and data sharing.
  • Metadata Cleanup for enhanced privacy Protect your privacy by removing metadata — things like capture time and location — from uploaded images.
  • Block unwanted website notifications Review or block website notifications that can interact with your system, even after the website is closed.
  • Unlimited VPN Prevent unwanted tracking and stay secure with an anonymous IP address. Unlimited bandwidth means safe and unlimited access to online content.

Get the best security plan available, complete with VPN and Identity protection for total peace of mind.

  • 24/7 real-time protection Our multilayered security goes far beyond antivirus, protecting you from all types of malware — trojans, viruses, spyware and more.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Fast scans without interruptions For smooth browsing and gaming — say goodbye to annoying pop-ups.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Non-stop safe banking & browsing Continuous protection against online fraud with Anti-phishing, encrypted financial transactions and the flagging of unsafe search results.
  • Protected smartphones and smart homes Use ESET to blocks unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi or webcam and monitor your kids’ online safety.
  • Secure logins with Password Manager All you need to remember is your master password! Safely store and share your passwords across all devices.

    Available also for macOS.
  • Encryption of sensitive data and photos Military-grade encryption of files, folders and USBs — enables secure collaboration and data sharing.
  • Metadata Cleanup for enhanced privacy Protect your privacy by removing metadata — things like capture time and location — from uploaded images.
  • Block unwanted website notifications Review or block website notifications that can interact with your system, even after the website is closed.
  • Unlimited VPN Prevent unwanted tracking and stay secure with an anonymous IP address. Unlimited bandwidth means safe and unlimited access to online content.

    Available also for macOS.

ESET Mobile Security for Android

Comprehensive protection for your Android smartphone or tablet, including Proactive Anti-Theft.

ESET Parental Control for Android

Keep your kids safe online with our child-friendly app – includes child locator and much more.

For Android devices

Enjoy all ESET Mobile Security and ESET Parental Control Premium features for 30 days and then decide if you want to keep them - no commitment!

Ena naročnina za vse naprave

ESET HOME Security Premium in ESET HOME Security Essential sta vse-v-eni varnostni načrti. Ti vključujejo več različnih varnostnih rešitev za različne operacijske sisteme. Celoten nabor razpoložljivih funkcij se bo razlikoval glede na operacijski sistem, ki ga želite zaščititi.


User-friendly protection tailored to the small business. Protect your data, devices, servers and much more.

30 days, no credit card required

Who will manage this? Who will be deploying, installing and managing the security within your company?

Non-IT specialist

What is it used for? Suitable for work and personal devices. Mobile devices also supported.

Business & personal devices

What do you need? Easy to install, update, monitor and share via ESET HOME: the complete security management platform.

Set-and-protect solution

Number of devices Protection is easily shared with employees and colleagues via ESET HOME.


Coverage Protect laptops, desktops, smartphones, tablets and servers across major operating systems. Functionalities are OS-dependent.

Windows, Windows Server, macOS, Android & iOS 

Cyberattack protection* Multilayered protection against all types of malware—trojans, viruses, spyware, phishing and more.


Secure banking & browsing* Ensure safe online banking, transactions, and browsing with our secured browser mode and Windows browser extension—includes safe search features and protection from keyloggers.


Anti-Theft* Optimize device protection and take action in case of loss or theft. For Windows and Android.


Server protection* Protect data passing through all general servers and network file storage servers. Enhance business continuity and stay safe from ransomware and botnets. Available for Windows Server.


Email protection* Safeguard your privacy from unwanted spam and malware. Email Client Antimalware for Microsoft Outlook defends against malicious code in sent, read and received emails.

Email Client Antimalware

Data protection* Generate safe passwords, encrypt sensitive data and USB devices, and safeguard your connection in public and private spaces.

Unlimited VPN
Secure Data
Password Manager

Vulnerability patching* For vulnerability patching, consider ESET PROTECT Complete.


Free local support Multi-lingual support available.


*Prosimo upoštevajte: funkcionalnosti se lahko razlikujejo glede na operacijski sistem.

For PC, macOS, smartphones, tablets and Windows Servers*

ESET Parental Control for Android

Keep your kids safe online with our child-friendly app – includes child locator and much more.

For Android devices

Enjoy all ESET Mobile Security and ESET Parental Control Premium features for 30 days and then decide if you want to keep them - no commitment!

Prosimo upoštevajte: na voljo so samo izbrane naročnine za preizkus. Če vas zanima naročnina, za katero ni na voljo preizkus, lahko raziskujete njene številne varnostne funkcije preko našega Strani s plani.

Poslovni uporabniki

Potrebujete zaščito za več kot 5 končnih točk? Odkrijte celovito zaščito ESET za svoje podjetje. Pridobite brezplačno preskusno naročnino in preizkusite oddaljeno upravljanje ter številne druge poslovne rešitve.

Business customers

Need protection for more than 5 endpoints? Discover comprehensive ESET protection for your business. Get a free trial subscription and try remote management and many more business solutions.