Premium Support

Pomoč, kadar jo potrebujete

Pridobite hitro pomoč od ESET kadarkoli, čez dan ali noč, vključno z vikendi in prazniki.

Takoj od začetka

Strokovna pomoč pri nastavitvi vaših ESET IT varnostnih izdelkov takoj po namestitvi. Uporaba ESET Premium podpore močno zmanjšuje število potencialnih težav v prihodnosti.

Vedno na voljo

Najboljša strokovna podpora na svetu – podprta s strani ESET-ovih ekip priznanih raziskovalcev, ki delujejo po vsem svetu – je na voljo 24/7/365, da se loti vaših potreb in težav pri nastavitvi ter uvajanju IT varnosti.

Neprekinjeno poslovanje

Izdelki ESET so zasnovani tako, da so intuitivni in vključujejo obsežno dokumentacijo. Kljub temu imeti ESET-ovo strokovnost na voljo zmanjšuje tveganje za morebitne izpade ali vrzeli v pomembnih operacijah.

Takojšnji odziv

Podpora, ki bi sicer trajale dlje, se hitro rešijo s pomočjo ESET Premium podpore. Zahvaljujoč strogim SLA-jem so tudi tiste težave, ki zahtevajo sodelovanje razvojne ekipe, hitro obravnavane za prioritetno rešitev.


S podporo ESET Premium vaša organizacija prejme hiter in zajamčen odgovor, ko ga potrebujete. Sodelujemo z vašimi IT ekipami, da prilagodimo svoj odziv vašemu okolju. In v primeru incidenta smo tukaj, da pomagamo.

Natančno prilagodite svojo zaščito

Izkoristite našo storitev storitev HealthCheck (del ESET Premium Support Advanced), da pregledate in natančno prilagodite ESET IT varnostne izdelke, ki so bili prej uvedeni v vašem okolju.

Premium Support service

Ko gre za uvajanje celovite IT varnosti, se zanašajte na ESET, da vam zagotovi potrebno strokovno znanje. Premium podpora je na voljo 24/7/365, kar zagotavlja, da imate neprekinjen dostop do najboljše strokovne podpore na svetu, ki obravnava vaše potrebe in težave pri nastavitvi ter uvajanju IT varnosti. Jamčimo odzivno, prilagojeno podporo, ki bo zmanjšala tveganje za morebitne prekinitve vašega delovanja.

Ugotovite, kako vam lahko storitve ESET Premium Support pomagajo kar najbolje izkoristiti ESET IT varnost, nameščeno v vaši organizaciji.

Premium podpora – Osnovna

Zagotovljen paket podpore za izdelke, ki vključuje prioritetno in pospešeno podporo, hitro in podrobno analizo vseh težav, ter natančna navodila za odpravljanje težav ob katerem koli času dneva ali noči. Odgovori so prilagojeni vašim individualnim potrebam, z takojšnjo rešitvijo tehničnih težav v vašem varnostnem okolju, odzivom na kritične težave v nekaj minutah po obvestilu ter prioritetnim dostopom do strokovnjakov ESET HQ.

Premium podpora – Napredna

Popolna podpora za izdelke ESET z vrhunskimi pravicami za nego strank. Pokriva vse faze implementacije izdelka, vključno z namestitvijo in nastavitev, postopki nadgradnje, rednimi pregledi konfiguracije ter proaktivnim reševanjem težav z izdelkom. Vse prednosti ESET Premium Support Essential, plus storitve namenskega tehničnega vodje računa, proaktivne informativne storitve in prioritetno čakanje na klice.

Primerjajte ravni ESET Premium Support



Critical severity (A) response time Get a response within 2 hours for “A” level issues. The response will comprise solution/workaround, additional data request or confirmation of work.

2 hours

2 hours

Serious severity (B) response time Get a response within 4 hours for “B” level issues. The response will comprise solution/workaround, additional data request or confirmation of work.

4 hours

4 hours

Common severity (C) response time Get a response within 1 workday for “C” level issues. The response will comprise solution/workaround, additional data request or confirmation of work.

24 hours

24 hours

Support availability Premium Support is available 24/7/365, ensuring you have continuous access to the world’s best professional support to address your IT security setup and deployment needs and issues.



Caller entry point Get straight through to an ESET expert, according to your service tier.

ESET Certified Specialist

ESET Certified Specialist

Customer contacts You get to nominate which of your employees should be contacted by ESET regarding the service you have signed up for. There is no limit to the number of employees you may nominate.



Priority call queuing As a Premium Support subscriber, your call will get priority attention compared to general technical support calls.

Tickets eligible for premium treatment Premium Support Advanced subscribers may submit any number of tickets eligible for premium treatment at any time.


Dedicated account manager A dedicated ESET specialist will be assigned to your account and will proactively check that subscription services are being delivered.

Prioritization within development teams

Proactive informative services You will receive prompt notification if ESET discovers any product incompatibility issues because of OS updates or other technical changes.

Deployment and Upgrade Ensures the effective functioning of ESET business products. Installation and configuration performed by experienced and certified ESET professionals.

HealthCheck Verifies how effectively a product was set up and how well the initial settings were adjusted to improve the operation of ESET products.

Leave us your contact details to receive an offer tailored to your company’s needs

Povezana rešitev


Vrhunská zaščita z upravljanim zaznavanjem in odzivanjem 24/7, ki združuje avtomatizacijo, podprto z umetno inteligenco, in svetovno vodilno strokovnost ESET-a.

  • Pridobite takojšen odziv na grožnje
  • 24/7 spremljanje, iskanje, razvrščanje in odzivanje, ki ga vodijo strokovnjaki
  • Zaščitite podatke in sisteme svojega podjetja pred nepooblaščenim dostopom.
  • Preprečite poskuse phishinga in zlonamerno programsko opremo, da pridejo do uporabnikovih poštnih predalov.
  • Samodejno spremljajte in odpravite ranljivosti.


Fusion of ESET's world-class research expertise and cutting-edge IT security solutions.

  • Guaranteed, fast response times
  • Qualified ESET staff to manage your security
  • Protect business data and systems from unauthorized access
  • Prevent phishing attempts and malware from reaching users’ mailboxes
  • Automatically track and patch vulnerabilities

Committed to the highest industry standards

ESET is one of the very few vendors who have shaped the industry in 2022 According to IDC, ESET is one of the very few vendors who have shaped the industry in 2022 thanks to its industry longevity, technical prowess, research excellence and financial stability.

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ESET was awarded in multiple independent tests

See test results

ESET is a ‘Top Player’ in Advanced Persistent Threat protection ESET has been recognized as a ‘Top Player’ for the fourth year in a row in Radicati’s 2023 Advanced Persistent Threat Market Quadrant

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ESET is appreciated by customers worldwide

Read full reviews

ESET among Market & Overall leaders in MDR MDR Leadership Compass 2023

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ESET is recognized for over 700 reviews collected on Gartner Peer Insights © 2022 Gartner, Inc. Gartner® and Peer Insights™ are trademarks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Gartner Peer Insights content consists of the opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences, and should not be construed as statements of fact, nor do they represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in this content nor makes any warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this content, about its accuracy or completeness, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

What customers appreciate

"We were most impressed with the support and assistance we received. In addition to being a great product, the excellent care and support we got was what really led us to move all of Primoris’ systems to ESET as a whole."

Joshua Collins,
Data Center Operations Manager; Primoris Services Corporation, USA; 4000+ seats
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"I love how it is designed with advanced machine learning and behavior learning technology that learns from the previous attacks and whenever the system is attacked from the same source, it is detected and removed before penetrating my system. All kinds of viruses, malicious activities and different online threats are completely identified and then removed from my system very efficiently."

Sarah C., G2 review

"The ESET Inspect ensures protections against malicious activity, threats from no file viruses and let the security teams to detect APTs. All of this is achieved through algorithms of machine learning and behavioral learning or through the endpoint low level system data collected. This software is capable enough to perform root cause and forensic analysis, threat hunt, and configure attack indicators."

Herry K., G2 review

"The biggest thing that stands out is its strong technical advantage over other products in the marketplace. ESET offers us reliable security, meaning that I can work on any project at any time knowing our computers are protected 100%."

Fiona Garland, Business Analyst, Mercury Engineering, Construction, Materials and Natural Resources
Read full story

"I would definitely recommend ESET to other companies based on performance but also the support too, which is great. I think the manageability is the best you can get."

Mark Kaiser, IT Specialist, Unigarant, Finance & Insurance
Read full story

Resources and related documents


ESET is the largest cybersecurity provider based in the EU, with more than 30 years of experience protecting organizations large and small

Learn more

ESET Threat Research

Recognized research, and discoveries that serve cybersecurity

Learn more

ESET MDR helps Raicam to succeed

Learn how one ESET customer benefited directly from ESET MDR.

Read Raicam’s story

Read this special MDR report

Leading analysts KuppingerCole surveyed ESET’s MDR solutions – see their insights

Read more

Explore other Premium services

Your deployement service, to get you started at 100%.

Review and optimize your organizations security posture.

Stay secure even with limited internet access or strict update policies.

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Premium Support

Get prompt assistance from ESET at any hour of the day or night, including weekends and public holidays.

  • We’ll help set up your ESET products to minimize potential issues down the line
  • Pain free security – get fast, guaranteed responses
  • Always available – get support 24/7/365

Leave us your contact details to receive an offer tailored to your company's needs.

Protected by ESET since 2017
more than 9,000 endpoints

Protected by ESET since 2016
more than 4,000 mailboxes

Protected by ESET since 2016
more than 32,000 endpoints

ISP security partner since 2008
2 milion customer base