Vodimo na področju MDR!

ESET je vodilno podjetje na trgu in splošni vodja na področju MDR, po poročilu KuppingerCole Leadership Compass 2023.

ESET MDR: Ostani pred kibernetskimi grožnjami

  • 24/7 storitev, ki jo vodijo ljudje, v kombinaciji z umetno inteligenco
  • Izjemno hitro zaznavanje groženj in odpravljanje težav
  • Stalno spremljanje groženj
  • Proaktivno iskanje groženj
  • Edinstvena globalna obveščevalska omrežja o grožnjah

24/7 neprekinjene storitve ESET MDR

Storitev MDR

ESET MDR Idealno za mala in srednje velika podjetja

MDR Ultimate Service

ULTIMATE Idealno za organizacije na ravni podjetij

Continuous Threat Monitoring, Triage and Response Human-led service that leverages IoC, IoA, UEBA, AI, internal and external TI feeds to decloak and reveal malicious activity, perform containment and eradication actions, to prevent serious damage.

Expert-Led Threat Hunting Security experts continuously evaluate and correlate detections via a structured and mapped incident, providing you with another layer of threat hunting.

Active Campaign Threat Hunting Proactive monitoring and identification of signs of ongoing adversary groups' campaigns to stay a step ahead of their advanced attack techniques.

Global Threat Intelligence Team By your side, with knowledge of all the most important emerging threat detections for cyber crime, APTs and zero-days – and constantly implementing measures to counter them.

Behavior Patterns and Exclusions Optimization Detection and response optimization reflecting behavior patterns and exclusions that are constantly aligned with your evolving environment.

Behavior Patterns Library Entitles you to access sophisticated behavior patterns that can be further tailored to your environment.

Tailored Reporting Automatic or on-demand reports about incidents, the status of your environment, and other updates flowing from ESET MDR services.

Standard Weekly or monthly automatically generated​ reports

Advanced Custom reports with detailed context explained interactively

Historical Threat Hunting Complex, hypothesis-driven threat hunting that uses deep analysis, historical data, and observation of potential threat actors to pre-empt attacks.

Customized Threat Hunting Customized threat hunting based on customer´s requirements on a recurring basis, focused on current global trending threats.

Attack Vectors Visibility A purpose-built design feature of the ESET interface allows analysis of individual parts of each attack, thereby identifying specific attack vectors. 

Digital Forensic Incident Response (DFIR) Assistance In the event of an incident or identified threat, a dedicated security expert is available to provide you with a consultation, detailed file analysis or digital forensic analysis.

Dedicated Incident Response Lead In case of an incident, a security specialist can, with your cooperation, provide you with a complete end-to-end resolution of the issue.

Expert Assistance for MDR Alerts, with More Context Guidance from a dedicated expert and full-spectrum IT security assistance to make the most of the premium MDR service – at a time that suits you.

Malware Detection Support Allows you to communicate any detection problems, or suspected false positives and tailor your custom detection rules to meet your specific needs and environment.

Malware File Expert Analysis Receive a tailored response from security experts. Consultations are provided, potentially leading to file or digital forensic analyses.

Deployment & Upgrade Have your newly purchased ESET solutions installed and your existing solutions upgraded to a later version – by our in-house specialists based on your specific environment and needs. Learn more

Na voljo v naročniških paketih ESET PROTECT


Neprekinjena zaščita za vaše razvijajoče se IT okolje, s premium upravljanjem kibernetskih tveganj in 24/7 ESET strokovnostjo na voljo.

Idealno za mala in srednje velika podjetja



Fuzija ESET-ove svetovno priznane raziskovalne strokovnosti in najsodobnejših rešitev IT varnosti.

Idealno za velike organizacije

Royal Swinkels Brewery
prehaja na MDR

Royal Swinkels Family Brewers se je odločila, da bo Upravljano zaznavanje in odzivanje (MDR) najboljša raven varnosti za njeno delovanje. Po izbiri MDR rešitve ESET je druga največja pivovarna na Nizozemskem zdaj na voljo usposobljeni strokovnjaki za IT varnost 24/7, ki filtrirajo opozorila in spremljajo njeno IT okolje.

Raicam sprejeme rešitev MDR

Skupina Raicam, avtomobilsko podjetje, ustanovljeno leta 1982, zdaj koristi visokozmogljivo rešitev, ki odpravlja potrebo po pridobivanju ali vzdrževanju dodatnih notranjih virov IT varnosti. ESET-ova storitev MDR 24/7 omogoča Raicamu, da spremlja stanje varnosti svoje mreže brez tveganja za prekinitev zaradi pomanjkanja osebja. Rezultat je učinkovitejša raba virov in izboljšana tržna pozicija.

Prenesite zgodbo stranke

Kaj je MDR in ali
ga potrebujete?

Preprečevanje je posebnost ESET-a, vendar v tem okolju hitro spreminjajočih se kibernetskih tveganj to ni vedno mogoče. Zato je priporočljiv celostnejši pristop, ki temelji na upravljanem zaznavanju in odzivanju.

Pridobite nakupni vodnik

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Uporabniška izkušnja ESET Detection & Response Ultimate

Vsaka vključitev se začne z oceno vašega okolja, infrastrukture in potreb. Ustvarimo individualni varnostni profil stranke, ki nam omogoča integracijo z vašo funkcijo IT varnosti.

Z globokimi izkušnjami na področju potreb številnih industrijskih panog in strokovnjaki, ki so na voljo, to ni storitev, ki bi ustrezala vsem.

Zavezani najvišjim industrijskim standardom

ESET is one of the very few vendors who have shaped the industry in 2022 According to IDC, ESET is one of the very few vendors who have shaped the industry in 2022 thanks to its industry longevity, technical prowess, research excellence and financial stability.

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ESET was awarded in multiple independent tests

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ESET is a ‘Top Player’ in Advanced Persistent Threat protection ESET has been recognized as a ‘Top Player’ for the fourth year in a row in Radicati’s 2023 Advanced Persistent Threat Market Quadrant

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ESET is appreciated by customers worldwide

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ESET among Market & Overall leaders in MDR MDR Leadership Compass 2023

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ESET is recognized for over 700 reviews collected on Gartner Peer Insights © 2022 Gartner, Inc. Gartner® and Peer Insights™ are trademarks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Gartner Peer Insights content consists of the opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences, and should not be construed as statements of fact, nor do they represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in this content nor makes any warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this content, about its accuracy or completeness, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

"ESET professionals have a high grade of expertise."

Network and Security Administrator, Healthcare and Biotech (via Gartner Peer Insights)

Raziskovanje drugih varnostnih storitev

Preučite, identificirajte in odpravite grožnje za svoje končne točke.

Osebna pomoč z XDR in 24/7 podporo.

ESET storitve upravljanega zaznavanja in odzivanja (MDR)

Pustite nam svoje kontaktne podatke, in poslali vam bomo ponudbo, prilagojeno potrebam vaše organizacije.

Protected by ESET since 2017
more than 9,000 endpoints

Protected by ESET since 2016
more than 4,000 mailboxes

Protected by ESET since 2016
more than 32,000 endpoints

ISP security partner since 2008
2 milion customer base