Virus Bulletin Conference is the most important event in the antivirus industry. Once a year, it offers an opportunity for top managers of antivirus and software companies to get together with top…
The users of the popular social networking site Facebook - including fans of ESET - have reported a virus targeting Facebook Fan Check application. This is a hoax that has been spread among the…
For the month of August, Win32/Conficker is the most wide-spread threat globally with a share of 8.56%. Moreover, the Scandinavian countries continue to have a high exposure to the Koobface worm…
In just under one year after the initial release of ESET Mobile Antivirus for Windows Mobile in English, ESET is pleased to expand support for the following 15 localized language versions:
The Delphi programming language tends to be used in quite robust database applications used primarily by banks and other institutions processing vast amounts of data, some of which have already…
Win32/Conficker remains top threat in Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, South Africa and Italy.For the month of July, Poland and France were dominated by a mixture of Trojans of the…