Your data is your business.
Secure IT!

Wouldn’t it be great to hold the ten keys to effective data protection? Well you can with Data Protection For Dummies 61-page e-book for SMB. Concise, relevant, engaging and FREE!

In this e-book brought to you by the ESET experts you will learn to:

  • Choose exactly the data security measures your company needs
  • Comply with latest data regulations (without tearing your hair out)
  • Make your company a non-target for cybercriminals
  • Minimize effects of any data breach or loss

Sneak Peak into Chapter 6

  • Getting started with administrative controls
  • Knowing what you’re protecting and how to protect it
  • Implementing technical controls
  • Ensuring backup and recovery, incident response, and disaster recovery
  • Working with your users and other security experts

Missed the previous chapter?

No worries! Download it from here

We promise this e-book is not boring!