عندما تتيح التكنولوجيا التقدم ، فإن ESET موجود هنا لحمايته
نحن شركة أمن رقمي عالمية ، نحمي ملايين العملاء وآلاف الشركات في جميع أنحاء العالم.
مملوكة للقطاع الخاص ، لا يزال ESET يديره نفس المهندسين الذين بدأوا الشركة منذ ثلاثة عقود. يسمح لنا الحفاظ على استقلاليتنا بالتركيز على هدفنا الأساسي - حماية العملاء والشركات نحو مستقبل أفضل.
Birth of NOD antivirus Peter Paško and Miroslav Trnka created a universal software solution to eliminate computer threats.
ESET formally
established Miroslav Trnka, Peter Paško and Rudolf Hrubý formally established ESET as a privately owned limited liability company. They named it after the Egyptian goddess of protection, Eset (Isis).
First VB100 Award
for NOD32 ESET received the first award for malware detection. Since then, NOD32 has won a record 100 of them.
Introducing Advanced
Heuristics A big milestone, allowing ESET to detect new malware and their possible modifications.
Present in 100 countries around the world Protecting digital lives across half the planet. Today, ESET products are available virtually everywhere.
Miroslav Trnka
appointed CEO Since the company’s inception, Trnka was the Chief Technology Officer until his appointment as CEO in 2008. Today, he remains a co-owner of the company.
Richard Marko
appointed CEO Marko began his journey at ESET in 1994. He was Chief Technology Officer since from 2008 until his appointment as the company’s CEO in 2011. He is also a co-owner of the company.
the ESET Foundation The ESET Foundation aims to help communities and organizations in Slovakia to overcome challenges in the field of education, science and building a better society. It has supported more than 600 projects with a total value of 3.4 million Euros.
Introduced Exploit Blocker technology This pioneering technology is capable of monitoring frequently abused applications such as web browsers, email clients and JAVA scripts.
Launch of award-winning WeLiveSecurity blog The platform is home to ESET’s research publications and provides a comprehensive source of internet security news, tips and insights.
Discovery of
Industroyer malware ESET discovered one of the biggest threats to date, which caused a power outage in Kyiv in December 2016.
Discovery of
LoJax malware ESET researchers uncovered the first UEFI rootkit found in the wild, courtesy of the infamous SEDNIT group.
Discovery of BlackEnergy’s successor - GreyEnergy ESET research uncovered a successor to the BlackEnergy APT group, who caused the first-ever blackout caused by a cyberattack. GreyEnergy has been used to attack energy companies and other high-value targets in Ukraine and Poland since 2015.
Published the first
GRI Sustainability report The report summarizes ESET’s CSR activities in Slovakia and focuses on the following key areas - Ethics as a Business Foundation, Safer Technologies, Satisfied Employees and Better Slovakia.
Founding member of Google’s App Defense Alliance ESET became the founding member of the Google App Defense Alliance to protect the Google Play Store. ESET provides its award-winning detection capabilities and improved security for the Android ecosystem and spearheads investigations that make the Google Play Store safer.
Discovery of Attor cyberespionage platform ESET identified a previously unreported espionage platform, used in targeted attacks against diplomatic missions and governmental institutions.
Launched the annual
ESET Science Award ESET has introduced the ESET Science Award to recognize exceptional individuals in Slovak science. The award is presented by the ESET Foundation with the objective of highlighting the achievements of Slovak scientists and supporting their social standing as well as the status of Slovak science within the international scientific research community.
Discovery of KrØØk
vulnerability in Wi-Fi chips ESET researchers discovered a previously unknown vulnerability in Wi-Fi chips causing over a billion of vulnerable devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and IoT gadgets, to be susceptible to an all-zero encryption key encrypting part of the user’s communication.
Signed the Diversity Charter ESET became a signatory and ambassador of the Diversity Charter. ESET believes in creating a respectful environment in which all its employees feel welcome, without exception.
Discovery of MS Exchange vulnerability chain ProxyLogon ESET identified more than 10 different threat actors that likely leveraged that year’s Microsoft Exchange remote code execution in order to install implants on victims’ email servers.
نحن نثق في بعض أكبر الشركات في العالم بينما نحظى بتقدير كبير من قبل الشركاء والمحللين المستقلين .
كجزء من تحالف الدفاع عن التطبيقات من Google ، تساعد ESET في حماية متجر Google Play لملايين المستخدمين مثلك حول العالم.
المستخدمون المحميون في جميع أنحاء العالم
زبائن القطاع التجاري
البلدان والأقاليم
ينشغل مئات الخبراء في 13 مركزًا للبحث والتطوير في جميع أنحاء العالم كل يوم بتوقع تهديدات جديدة والتأكد من أن حمايتنا جاهزة دائمًا للخطوة التالية من التقدم في التكنولوجيا. نحن فخورون بمشاركتنا في العديد من الاكتشافات البارزة مثل Industroyer و KrØØk و Lojax .
نظرًا لأننا شركة للأمن السيبراني ، فإن قيمنا تأتي بشكل طبيعي: النزاهة والموثوقية والعاطفة والشجاعة .
نحن نؤمن بمستقبل رقمي إيجابي. ينعكس هذا في كيفية قيامنا بأعمالنا والتزامنا بإدارة شركتنا بطرق مسؤولة اجتماعيًا ومستدامة بيئيًا.