Get APT reports you can act on – quickly and accurately
Putting our best research at your fingertips
Our research team is well known in the digital security environment, thanks to our award winning We Live Security blog. Their great research and APT activity summaries are available, with much more detailed information at your disposal.
Actionable, curated content
Reports provide a great deal of context to what is going on and why. Thanks to this, organizations can prepare in advance for what might be coming. It’s not just the reports themselves – they are curated by our experts who put them in a human-readable format.
Make crucial decisions fast
All this helps organizations to make crucial decisions and provides a strategic advantage in the fight against digital crime. It brings an understanding of what is happening on the ‘bad side of the internet’ and provides crucial context, so that your organization can make internal preparations quickly.
Access to ESET Analyst
Every customer ordering the APT Reports PREMIUM package will have also access to an ESET analyst for up to four hours each month. This provides the opportunity to discuss topics in greater detail and help resolve any outstanding issues.
In-depth analysis
The package includes in-depth technical analysis reports describing recent campaigns, new toolsets and related subjects, and activity summary reports. A monthly overview combines information from all Technical Analysis and Activity Summary reports released in the previous month into a shorter and more digestible form.
Integrate ESET Threat Intelligence into your system
- Integrating ESET telemetry is simple and will enrich your TIP, SIEM or SOAR.
- We have a comprehensive API with full documentation.
- We supply data in standardized formats - such as JSON and STIX feeds via TAXII – so that integration into any tool is possible.
We have step-by-step integration manuals for fast and easy implementation and we're continually adding others:
- IBM QRadar
- Anomali
- MS Azure Sentinel
- OpenCTI
- ThreatQuotient
ESET proprietary intelligence feeds
Enrich your view of the worldwide threat landscape based on unique telemetry. ESET feeds come from our research centers around the globe, providing a holistic picture and enabling you to quickly block IoCs in your environment. Feeds are in the formats • JSON • STIX 2.1
Malicious files feed
This feed provides real-time information on newly discovered malware samples, their characteristics, and IOCs. The feed helps you understand which malicious files are being seen in the wild and enables you to proactively block them before they can cause any harm.
It features malicious domains, including file hashes, timestamps, threat type detected, and other detailed information.
Domain feed
Block domains which are considered malicious including domain name, IP address, and the date associated with them. The feed ranks domains based on their severity, which lets you adjust your response accordingly, for example to only block high-severity domains.
Botnet feed
Based on ESET's proprietary botnet tracker network, Botnet feed features three types of sub-feeds – botnet, C&C and targets. Data provided includes items such as detection, hash, last alive, files downloaded, IP addresses, protocols, targets and other information.
URL feed
Similar to Domain feed, the URL feed looks at specific addresses. It includes detailed information on data related to the URL, as well as information about the domains which host them. All the information is filtered to show only high confidence results and includes human-readable information on why the URL was flagged.
This feed consists of APT information produced by ESET research. In general, the feed is an export from the ESET internal MISP server. All the data that is shared is also explained in greater detail in APT reports. The APT feed is also part of APT reports offering, but the feed can also be purchased separately.
IP feed
This feed shares IPs considered to be malicious and the data associated with them. The structure of the data is very similar to that used for the domain and URL feeds. The main use-case here is to understand which malicious IPs are currently prevalent in the wild, block those IPs which are of high severity, spot those that are less severe, and investigate further, based on additional data, to see if they have already caused harm.