The ACAD/Medre.A worm is a serious example of suspected industrial espionage. New designs created by a victim are automatically sent to the malware authors. The cyber criminals will have designs by…
In "Cyberwar: Reality or a Weapon of Mass Distraction," Andrew Lee discusses the threats of cyberwar. He claims that a destructive cyber-weapon brings with it the possibility of retaliation against…
Authors: Basquiran, Wren. A comparative analysis on the performance, effectiveness and usability of seven security solutions. PassMark Software evaluated the following business endpoint security…
Authors Matrosov, Rodionov, Volkov and Kropotov cover: Cybercrime group investigation (evolution of Botnet and tracking Carberp affiliate people), The Next Steps of Investigation, Evolution of Carberp…
This article covers three areas of protection; One: Protect My Computer (firewalls, physical security updates and security software); Two: Protect Myself (Email, Internet Usage, Passwords and Social…
Meme is an idea, behavior, style or usage that spreads from person to person. This practice can involve the posting of a status update or harvesting private data, which can dovetail with social…