Marketing and Press Kit Resources

Whenever possible you should use our logo, descriptor and tagline together. However, in some situations this isn't possible or desirable, for example when the ESET logo is associated with a product name or event. If that's the case then you should use the ESET lozenge without our descriptor and tagline. If you're not sure whether to use our descriptor and tagline or not, contact ESET.

ESET Logos

The ESET logo is a registered trademark. Any use of it must comply with the regulations of the design manual and must be approved by ESET before it can be used. Any use of the ESET logo must be thoroughly documented and its use approved by ESET.


ESET logos - turquoise
ZIP contains: horizontal 1line, horizontal 2lines, vertical 2lines. Format PNG.

Download logos - turquoise (ZIP, 130KB)

ESET: GoExplore - Behind the Scenes

Look behind the scenes of our latest Go Explore campaign

Innovative technology you can rely on

We are trusted by some of the biggest companies in the world while being highly regarded by partners and independent analysts.

ESET: GoExplore

The internet brings endless possibilities. What is your favorite thing about it?