Ars Technica’s Editor Dan Goodin publishes this story on the Mumblehard Linux botnet, highlighting the initial findings from late 2014 as well as the current analysis.
In April 2016 Jordan Minor of PC Magazine gave ESET Parental Control – its latest app that helps keep kids safe online - a test drive and finds that the app is a solid option for parents. Read more…
Editor Doug Olenick posted his story on the Mumblehard Linux botnet takedown. The story highlights the history of the malware and the recent updates from February 20, 2016. The piece features…
Christian Science Monitor – “Opinion: Hacker or hacktivist? In data security, it doesn't really matter,” by ESET Security Researcher Lysa Myers
SC Magazine posted a video interview with Cameron Camp, filmed during RSA 2016. The video is a one-on-one interview with Editor Doug Olenick at the ESET booth. The interview focuses on an ESET survey…
SC Magazine Editor Doug Olenick posted a story discussing the Ponemon survey results featuring commentary from ESET Security Researcher Cameron Camp. The State of Cybersecurity in Healthcare…