Automating tasks means streamlining timelines and security for MSPs

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While the world worries about a growing diversity of cyberattacks, any business worth its salt knows there are even more risks out there, such as the loss or theft of company devices, which can result in serious data privacy violations. Company devices that get out into the wild rightly cause serious concern for any business over the loss of employee information, customer lists, financial information or other intellectual property. With the rise of GDPR in the EU, there is also the risk of substantial penalties for such data breaches – something many businesses even outside the EU are concerned about.

That is why ESET has launched its upgraded ESET Security Management Center (ESMC) – Version 7.1, which enhances the management and security capabilities of MSPs. ESMC 7.1 enables better protection of business data on company devices with ESET Full Disk Encryption (EFDE). Once deployed on clients’ endpoints, EFDE helps businesses prevent unauthorized access to company data in the event of loss or theft by keeping hard drives encrypted with 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

In addition to data protection, EFDE enables MSPs to streamline their workflow via ESMC, which can remotely manage full disk encryption, as well as the security settings for all endpoints. EFDE requires little user interaction and training, meaning it’s saving the most precious resource of all – time.

ESMC 7.1 also automates other key tasks for administrators via full integration with ESET MSP Administrator (EMA). EMA is a tool that helps MSPs easily manage their customers’ licenses and seats. The workflow for new customer provisioning has never been easier. The moment MSPs add a new customer in EMA, it´s automatically synchronized with ESMC, where it appears as a new group in the customer tree.

MSPs and administrators can also perform other important tasks in ESMC in a few easy steps, such as creating preconfigured installers, updating clients’ operating systems or remotely uninstalling third-party software. You can find out more about ESET’s MSP program here, as well as more information on the work ESET is doing to keep you and your clients protected.

You can find out more about ESET’s MSP program here, as well as more information on the work ESET is doing to keep you and your clients protected.

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