ESET Germany B2B Director, Maik Wetzel named as a leading channel champion.
The one hundredth VB100 Award was presented to ESET CEO, Richard Marko by John Hawes, Virus Bulletin’s Chief of Operations, at a ceremony on December 16th, 2016.
ESET security experts, presents key cyber security topics of relevance for both businesses and consumers about the latest threats taking shape in the new year.
New ESET Ransomware Shield adds additional layers of protection to its consumer portfolio products to actively monitor and block threats.
The recent ESET paper, Modern Attacks on Russian Financial Institutions, presented at the Virus Bulletin conference in Denver this past October is now available to the public.
ESET's mobile-based two-factor authentication solution, was today recognized as the best in Identity and Authentication Management at the Enterprise Innovation Awards 2016.